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Criteria for listing offerings on the

CTAEYC Professional Development Calendar


 CTAEYC maintains a calendar of early childhood professional development opportunities across Connecticut to support early educators’ access to professional learning.

This calendar provides an index of professional development offerings to support directors and educators in both center based and family childcare settings as well as TA providers and coaches.  


To provide the most comprehensive list of professional development offerings,

CTAEYC accepts requests from partner agencies and trainers who wish to list

professional development that is open to the early childhood field at large. 








To be included on the CTAEYC calendar the professional development offered must meet the following criteria:


  1. Subject matter must be relevant, developmentally appropriate, and follow best practice for the delivery mode of the session; and

  2. Sessions should support professionals on their individual career pathways by offering continuing education credits, or training certificates identifying specific hours and signed by the trainer.


To submit a training for the CTAEYC Professional Development Calendar please complete the  “Request for Inclusion”

Office of Early Childhood Professional Development










Elevate your career with OEC’s professional development resources

Investing in your professional growth as an early childhood educator

will benefit both you and the children you serve.


Our professional development opportunities are:

  • Low-cost or free (in most cases)

  • Available in different formats to meet your needs —

                                                         we can connect you with in-person, online, hybrid,

                                                                 and pre-recorded learning opportunities



Find more info here:   

Professional Development - Connecticut Office of Early Childhood

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