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Reconociendo la necesidad de desarrollo profesional de alta calidad en todos los escenarios a través de Connecticut, CTAEYC presenta la Academia de los sábados todos los meses de enero a mayo. Cada sesión ofrece a los participantes una oportunidad para la exploración profunda de algún tema y para el aprendizaje a través de oportunidades prácticas, con un enlace claro a los Estándares de Desarrollo y Aprendizaje Temprano de Connecticut, estándares de NAEYC, y teorías de la primera infancia.
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opportunities and registration
Book Your Program's Professional
Development Session
Choose from one of the topics below to meet
your program's professional learning needs
Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)- an Overview
What do High Quality Practices look like in Infant and Toddler programs?
Meaningful Circle Time, What, Why and How?
Considering Challenging Situations to Avoid Challenging Behavior
Reflections on being an ECE Professional and using the NAEYC Code of Ethics
Developing Lesson Learning Experience Plans
Supporting Children's Resilience; You've Got This
Making Documentation Panels to Highlight Children's Learning Through Play
All of the 2 hour sessions utilize adult learning principles. Topics are relevant to ECE teachers
and connect to what teachers do in their day to day work supporting young children and families.
The sessions all utilize CT Early Learning Development Standards, and Documentation
Observation Teaching Systems (DOTS) and NAEYC publications to guide best practice and help
ECE teachers see themselves as professionals. Certificates of attendance provided.
Fee determined per program.
Tailor Your Own!
Are you looking for a specific topic that you do not see listed above?
Please don't hesitate to contact us as we'd be happy to design a
professional learning opportunity to meet your needs.
For more information contact:
Karen Rainville
Meg Formica
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